Olivia Lucas is a recent graduate from Fordham University Lincoln Center where she studied English and concentrated in Creative Writing. Her writing has appeared in Fordham’s literary magazine as well as West Side Rag, a local NYC paper. She currently lives in Worcester, Massachusetts.

Olivia Lucas 

Well, that’s just the way it is…

In my dream I imagine Bukowski 
wearing a shirt that reads: “Free 
mustache rides”
so I hop on and ask him to please
recite a poem
I hope It’s a good time
but its 

Then he taps my bum and I slide
feeling unsatisfied and unable
to understand him any 


Daily Turmoil

There’s an indescribable sadness 
that comes from finishing 
a really great book. So sad, 
in fact, I have no words 
other than to start again 
would be to leave behind 
a part of yourself
like the negative space
of a stamp.
Yet we 
do. Repeat.


I’m going to drop
this mug on the floor and cry 
and maybe die—
we will all die one day. Feel
too much and you’ll feel too
much. Look at this guy In the knit hat 
sipping tea he’ll probably kill me
or his wife
or husband (I don’t want to ass-
ume. You know what happens
when you ass-
they tell you that joke in school and you think what!
She’s a teacher and she swears and is maybe a human
and maybe actually kinda cool.

But it won’t matter because in the end
we’ll all be dead.